Summer after lockdown: and it’s raining?
Seriously… what’s happened to the British weather? Summer after lockdown – is it summertime at all? The only thing that made lockdown in the UK bearable was the lovely, long hot days of early summer. But oh, what are these moody overcast skies and rain bursts all day long?
I know, I know, it’s terribly British to bang on about the weather isn’t it? It just seems odd to me that now schools are out and restrictions are lifting, but hey – it’s not inviting to go outside!
New beginnings
Well, in true British spirit I’m not going to let the silly old weather stop me from having a great summer. We all need a bit of positivity right now and after the months we’ve had of worry and effective house prison, it’s time to get out there and enjoy our small part of the world, even if we’re wet and wearing face masks at the same time.
So… first stop, the seaside, near where my mum lives and I’m going to get the kids involved in a new hobby: crabbing. You toss a long line in the water with bits of bread hooked to it, and wait… wait some more, and then, hopefully, fingers crossed, rain-permitting, you catch some crabs!! Put them in a bucket carefully and then, when you’re done, put them back in the water. Wonderful stuff.
What else to do…
And there’s rock pooling. (Basically messing about in the mud and spotting worm holes, shells and the odd dead jellyfish). And waiting for the high tide to come back in so we can throw stones in the water – my six year old is slowly but surely becoming a better thrower than me!
Back in the city, and summer after lockdown, well I’ve found my two boys’ new found fascination of all things un-playground related, like, err, playing with good old sticks, climbing tree stumps and ooh, spotting rainbow pics in people’s windows is still a hugely exciting pastime. Who needs a playground anyway?!
Yes, there’s lots to do even if it isn’t quite what we expected.
And if there’s one thing we’ve all learned this year so far, it’s to expect the unexpected.
Talking of new beginnings, I’m launching the pregnancy arm of my business sometime this summer. It’s hugely exciting as I’ve always wanted to photograph the wonderful and special time it is to be pregnant! All in my classic and neutral style. To celebrate I’ve launched a charity art project, which you can read more about here. And of course if you know anyone, or you yourself are pregnant and fancy a completely free photoshoot with one takeaway print, then let me know!
Until next time!