Covid: Keeping Baby safe
At last, lockdown restrictions are easing. But I completely understand how nervous you must be taking your baby anywhere indoors, especially into a studio environment that you don’t know. You’ll be asking yourself, how can I ensure that a baby photoshoot is as safe as it can be in these uncertain, Covid times?
Here I outline some of the measures I’m taking to make sure your baby stays safe and that you have a relaxed and amazing photoshoot experience.
Covid: Keeping Baby safe
Watch for yourself how I run a typical photoshoot for older babies; those who can lie on their backs and kick their legs in the air, those starting to smile and giggle, sit up and even crawl.
Clean, sanitised environment
My purpose-built studio is on the ground floor of my home. It’s the ‘working part’ of the house, with the rest of my home including my kitchen and bedrooms, above. This means that the only people that go into my studio are myself and my clients. My own children (now 4 and 7) never go near it!
After each and every studio session, I wipe the floors, wash any props and sanitise any surfaces. I also air the studio out over night so that it’s fresh and ready for the next day.
Taking every precaution
Watch for yourself how I run a typical photoshoot for newborn babies; I keep my mask on at all times and regularly sanitise my hands.