Covid: Keeping Baby safe during the coronavirus pandemic

The safety measures I’m taking to make sure you and your baby stay safe while in my photography studio

Covid: Keeping Baby safe

At last, lockdown restrictions are easing. But I completely understand how nervous you must be taking your baby anywhere indoors, especially into a studio environment that you don’t know. You’ll be asking yourself, how can I ensure that a baby photoshoot is as safe as it can be in these uncertain, Covid times?

Here I outline some of the measures I’m taking to make sure your baby stays safe and that you have a relaxed and amazing photoshoot experience.

Covid: Keeping Baby safe

Watch for yourself how I run a typical photoshoot for older babies; those who can lie on their backs and kick their legs in the air, those starting to smile and giggle, sit up and even crawl.

Louisa prepares her studio for a north London photography session
Muswell Hill photographer: A clean studio awaits a newborn baby

Clean, sanitised environment

My purpose-built studio is on the ground floor of my home. It’s the ‘working part’ of the house, with the rest of my home including my kitchen and bedrooms, above. This means that the only people that go into my studio are myself and my clients. My own children (now 4 and 7) never go near it!

After each and every studio session, I wipe the floors, wash any props and sanitise any surfaces. I also air the studio out over night so that it’s fresh and ready for the next day.

Taking every precaution

Watch for yourself how I run a typical photoshoot for newborn babies; I keep my mask on at all times and regularly sanitise my hands.

Only one session a day!

I deliberately photoshoot one studio session per day, giving me plenty of time to wash and clean up properly between families and allowing the room to air overnight.

This is hugely important as it means I can guarantee the room has been deep cleaned for clients, as well as any toilets or facilities that have been used while on the premises.

Covid: Keeping baby safe

Booking just one client a day means I can also double-check that all the props, blankets and wraps I use are fresh and clean, have been washed on a 60 degree cycle and are ready for use with a new baby.

Baby photographer London: Louisa Peacock prepares the studio for a newborn photography session

Louisa Peacock wears a mask while with a baby during a newborn photoshoot, North London

What I do personally

I will always wear a mask, tie my hair back, and have a fresh and clean outfit on (if I’ve been outdoors I will change into new clothes) to meet you.

I wash and sanitise my hands regularly throughout the photoshoot.

In some ways, it would feel very odd to me not to wear a mask with a newborn baby in my hands, so I have got used to this.

However, I do not expect you to wear a mask unless you want to. Government guidelines currently state you do not need to, so the choice is yours.

Baby Safety Training

I have undergone extensive training in how to handle newborn babies and babies under 1 years old, safely. I am a mum myself and have photographed over 100 babies. Each time, I put the baby’s comfort, safety and needs first. This is paramount to me and something I pride myself on.

Watch this YouTube video on how I handle babies safely and why you can trust me to look after your baby.

Muswell Hill baby photographer Louisa Peacock

Louisa is the owner of Louisa Peacock Photography and runs an award-winning studio in her own home in Muswell Hill. She specialises in family, baby and newborn photography in the studio or out and about in London’s beautiful parks. Above all her photoshoots are relaxed, fun and meaningful.